Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Last Friday, 22 aug, ard 8pm, CTE(city) b4 AMK ave 1, a Malaysian registered transport Bus swerved into my lane. I was not going fast, but the roads were wet, cannot siam so BANG lor!! and as i fell, the Fuc#$%^% Basta%^ shot off... no one wanted to be a witness and i did not catch the plates...KNNBCCB.

My ride suffered fender damages, fog light, signal light, mirrors, crash bar..lucky got crashbar, if not i think my leg gone liao...

But most of all, lucky i wore shoes n jeans. If not, it wont just be my swollen feet, but much much worse! Special thanks to Brother BlackBullet and BlackMobile ( X3 ) who came to my rescue.

So Brothers, i urge you all to be in proper riding attire, ABSOLUTELY NO SLIPPERS, Jeans are good/ pants or if shorts is a must, it must cover the knees at the very least! SGT at ARMS and council, i ask you for the sake of my brothers safety, to enforce these rules on our rides.



DrRipper said...

ok. Full riding gear from now on. Seriously, Bear has a point. No slippers, shorts or short sleeve, unless you want free tattoos. I'm guilty of it. Singapore's weather is terrible to gear up for riding but for your own sake, please be properly attired. If you are confident your helmet can save you, wear the helmet of your choice. It's your head are all.

However, on overseas trips, proper attire is a must. No compromises.

BlackBullet said...

Comments are upported by SC Vice. Ride safe and keep the rubber side down.

OBIONE said...

Am sorry for your bike, hope the damage isnt as bad, but am glad that you are ok bear. I second what Vice commented, you sometimes just never know man.