Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Harley Davidson 105th anniversary convoy

30 August 2008, 5pm
Dempsey Road Carpark
Party venue: Waterfront promenade, Singapore Flyer

We're cordially invited by HDS to celebrate HD's 105th anniversay. This is a HD event, not HOG. Open to all Harley riders.


ArchAngel said...

Are you going? What's the plan?

OBIONE said...

Got any Steed Anniversary?

ArchAngel said...

haha...You start one bro. Finally saw the springer steel today. Not too bad man...if that bike was cleaner. :)

BlackBullet said...

Bros, Should we go for the ride to show our color?

OBIONE said...

Honestly, SCMC should be there.

BlackBullet said...

I have confirmed with HDS that Street Coyotes MC will be there to support so please gear up and GO PARTYYY!!! =)