Thursday, July 31, 2008

Journey to the west, very west

RB for the first time and arrived at Farre Mac @ 2235hrs and I wasn't the last! I've already missed my RB duty the week prior due to rain, so this time I signaled the boys to hit on the road as soon as we had the numbers and I promised a journey they have never been before. 8 bikes were off onto the AYE(Tuas) terrorising the expressway towards the 2nd link. A few of us had a bit of of fish tail sliding actions happening when 2 trucks stopped abruptly and blocked one and a half lanes of the 2! Bloody truckies! Once we maneuvered out of the tussle, I couldn't believe that there were so many trucks & buses lined up for the Custom.

Along the way we saw the cop's little white tent on the water bank and 2 coppers were watching us cruised by, I guessed that was their entertainment for that night while stationed there trying to catch Mas Selamat, poor fellas. I brought the boys to Lonza Biologics where I worked, turn int ot he roundabout and got out quickly enough to escape the guards.

we went on to the southern most ofthe the reclaimed land. I think it's on Tua &s South Ave 14 or something. I only knew we Abbott was far away. We stopped for a short talk and a breather before we set off to pick Vice from West Coast Maccas. I am quite impressed with my sense of direction until I got back to civilisation! I wonder how I got lost in West Coast but not in Tuas!!?? We ended up at Fong Seng area, talked crap and had our prata & pattayas. Good ride IMHO, something different for a change.

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