Thursday, July 31, 2008

Journey to the west, very west

RB for the first time and arrived at Farre Mac @ 2235hrs and I wasn't the last! I've already missed my RB duty the week prior due to rain, so this time I signaled the boys to hit on the road as soon as we had the numbers and I promised a journey they have never been before. 8 bikes were off onto the AYE(Tuas) terrorising the expressway towards the 2nd link. A few of us had a bit of of fish tail sliding actions happening when 2 trucks stopped abruptly and blocked one and a half lanes of the 2! Bloody truckies! Once we maneuvered out of the tussle, I couldn't believe that there were so many trucks & buses lined up for the Custom.

Along the way we saw the cop's little white tent on the water bank and 2 coppers were watching us cruised by, I guessed that was their entertainment for that night while stationed there trying to catch Mas Selamat, poor fellas. I brought the boys to Lonza Biologics where I worked, turn int ot he roundabout and got out quickly enough to escape the guards.

we went on to the southern most ofthe the reclaimed land. I think it's on Tua &s South Ave 14 or something. I only knew we Abbott was far away. We stopped for a short talk and a breather before we set off to pick Vice from West Coast Maccas. I am quite impressed with my sense of direction until I got back to civilisation! I wonder how I got lost in West Coast but not in Tuas!!?? We ended up at Fong Seng area, talked crap and had our prata & pattayas. Good ride IMHO, something different for a change.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Singapore Big Bike Fest 08

Kallang Leisure park at Car Park G 5th Stadium Walk (S) 397693

2nd – 3rd August 2008 (Saturday and Sunday) 10am to 10pm

Registration Fee For Convoy: $15. Closing Date: 26th July 2008

Convoy gather point:
  • East Coast Car Park H
  • West Coast MacDonald
End Point: Kallang Car Park G

Targeted Participants: 300

Registration gets you:
  • Helmet Bag
  • Black T- Shirt ( with new logo)
  • Singapore Bike Fest Iron On Patch
  • 1 free drinks
  • Vouchers

Let's just attend the event and not the convoy. What say you?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Year End Ride Oct 2008 to .......

We will be riding the north south from Thurs the 2nd Oct, returning Sun the 5th Oct. To make things more exciting, the destination will be a surprise! Get your tents and sleeping gear ready as we hit the road! Cubs who are bosses, prepare to close shop! All others, pls secure your time off and get your "visas" approved. SC Radar, pls ensure that all cubs receive the message ya?.... its gonna be a wild ride folks!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


SCMC would like to congrat Black Bullet and wife on his third and newest addition to his family, a healthy baby girl. Hip Hip! Hooray! One of the greatest moment for anyone is the birth of a new baby, may she be blessed with good health and fortune!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

11 July 2008 Friday Night Ride

Nice showing with 6 cubs, 1 missus, and 2 of our wonderful guest riders. It was meant to be a night exploring the beaches of Singapore, but we got hungry and went straight for the food at this new joint at Labrador, discovered by our dear SC Radar.

Decent food at decent prices but great service and ambience. Chatted away from bikes to babies to government policies (where did that come from???) Great intellectual discussions, sipping coke, making us sounds not-like-bikers. Oh well, there's always next Friday to raise hell on the streets.

Till next week, with our new Road Boss, ArchAngel.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ride Recap Jul 07

SCMC ROAD TRIP KL , JUL 2007 21 Jul 2007: What an exciting weekend! about 18 SCMC brothers ,family & friends gathered at GPesso 730am for a ride to KL. taking it slow, we arrived in KL that afternoon at about 3pm. Along the way we were greeted with showers and had an extended lunch at Yong Peng, as Cooper needed to screw (he lost some nuts along the way and needed replacements la! ;)
We parked right outside of HRC entrance and checked into the Concord hotel. Rooms were great and value for money! RM225 per room, a special R2R rate. The afternoon rest was great, some bros went for a SPA and others chilled and toured the city. By nightfall, it was touring for most with Gambit and Sis Vianna touring the city on the Fatboy, The other biekers also took the chance of a city tour too-
heres BlackBullet thinking of his ride tho..
Everyone had their fair share to booze, and the party went on till pretty late! the band at HRC entertained and the dancefloor was quite alive!

The ride home was really wet, especially for Gambit and Marcus, who were unable to join the lead group which left at 1030. They set off at 4pm only to return home at about 1am! of course there was the pump and rest stops but what really held them back was the 2 hour wait at woodlands after the 1.5 hr seafood dinner, so all in good time(5.5 hour ride). They were averaging only 80km/h as the heavy rain and darkness demanded extreme care and concentration. But glad that everyone is back with fond memories, and am looking forward to the next road trip.

Thanks to all friends for sharing their weekends with SCMC , it was a blast! A warm welcome back too to brother Jason Sim, fully recovered from his crash and riding safe one again, originally posted Jul07 by gambit

08 Jul Joy Rides

In a blink of an eye, its now jul, the start of the second half of 08. this week, riders from the region got together in South thailand, for the second annual Hatyai bike week, 04 - 05 Jul. At the end of the month, 25-26 Jul, the Spore HOG chapter will run the Rock 2 Rock, a ride to KL, quote popular with the local HD scene here. SCMC had a great time at last yrs R2R and we will try to post some pics of that soon.

We have decided not to join these 2 runs this year, but instead focus on our upcoming trip which i will be putting together with the help of se7en and D'Bear. Tentative dates are set for 3rd week Aug 14-17. Cubs, pls mark these dates and post yr comments if you cant make it, and suggest alternative dates too. This year, we will journey to either Penang, Fraser's hill or Cameron Highlands...more info once its firm :) Safe journey to all our biker buddies in Hatyai and for those joining the R2R, ROCK HARD! RIDE SAFE!