Monday, March 7, 2011

Welcome Ride - Bfast at Mersing 06 Mar 2011


SCMC has lots to celebrate lately, with the welcoming of Illusion in Feb, followed by some brilliant rides where the weather was perfect! Yesterday we had yet another one of those rides, dry yet not too hot. First up , Thanks to Road Boss Flash who led us all the way!
We got to Mersing from Shell JB (Just after causeway) at 730 and met up with our Malaysian friends at Tesco Shell. The truck roads were fun to ride and at that hour, the traffic was clear. On arrival we decided to have some muslim food and again our Road Boss led the way... this is how we should eat curry!

Road Captain Se7en got some yummy teochew porriage from across the street!

While Bfast was good, the ride after was even better! and we reached back to our fuel stop before noon as planned. A bunch of us stayed on and we SPAed the afternoon away.... super nua!
So an excellent Welcome ride: Firstly to our new friends who we had great company with, see you at the next ride guys! & a new edition to our family: heres our Treasurers new edition to his stable of iron horses, a HD Night Rod Special + some italian bike.. i think its called Ducati.... and his new beemer the GSA :) Congrats and Ride Hard!

300 KMs clocked // Flash / Se7en /Gambit /Bear //


Silverback said...

Wish I was there! Must have had a lot of fun!

ArchAngel said...

Looks like you all had a good time! Bravo