Sunday, May 17, 2009

Overseas Ride

hi guys

we have been talking about oversea trip for such a long time and nothing much has been done so
i'm organising a ride to Ipoh or Hatyai this coming June . Ipoh ride from the 13th June to 15th June and if going up to Hatyai 13th june to 17th June . do give your comments and feedback on your participation with myself or BB ( Black Bullet ). let's meet up this coming friday and have a more thorough discussion . plan your leave and let's just do it.

ride on fit


ArchAngel said...

Club Med Bali 12-14 June. Won't be joining :)

DrRipper said...

Can we do it the weekend before or after? Else gotta get back by dinner time on Sunday 14 June.

BlackBullet said...

we will make it bro - Just hope for good weather =) Start prepping your bike ya.