Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wanna ride Honda, can you ride like him?

And it's safe or explode in your face :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

AGM - 2009

Another year has gone by; an eventful 2008 with many rides organised and participated by the Coyotes. 2009 AGM was called to order by SC Chief, most of the cubs showed up. Absenstees: Se7en, Lil John & GrimReaper


Recap on the key takeaways of the meeting

1. Participation (Rides & Events)
2. Responsiveness (Rides & Events)
3. Responsibility (Road Boss & Captain)
4. Communication (SMS/Phone)
5. Respect (Each other & Everyone)
6. Print Tees
7. 09 Design
8. Membership Campaign
9. Council members rotation


Thanks to Cooper for his recommendation, food was fantastic. Pretty sure the boys wouldn't mind dropping by again next ride to have a sip ya? :)




To top things up, we have a song dedicated to SCMC for its 6th Anniversary.


Good vocal but to be honest, nobody really paid much attention to the lead singer lah.

For every action.......


there is an equal and opposite reaction!


Good year and many better years ahead!

Peace Out

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sunday Durian and Fishball trip

We have a blast on our last sunday ride. One of our best ride ever - good weather, good speed, good company. We also met some of our MC friends along the way. We went to Yong Peng to taste their famous fish ball and Mr. T manage to also slurp some of the best durian offered and strapped a few to his ride to bring back home. Hope to do this again soon. Ride on.

Sunday, February 1, 2009